Livepeer Studio


Find a plan that scales with your needs – from early exploration to enterprise scale.
1,000 minutes
10,000 minutes
1,000 minutes
Growth$100 per month*
3,000 minutes
100,000 minutes
10,000 minutes
*Pay as you go past allotted minutes
Scale$500 per month*
20,000 minutes
500,000 minutes
50,000 minutes
*Pay as you go past allotted minutes
EnterpriseCustom pricing
Custom pricing
Custom pricing
Custom pricing


How much does Livepeer Studio cost compared to traditional video development platforms?

Livepeer Studio provides video processing at a 5-10x cost saving compared to traditional video development platforms. Learn more about how it compares to other video infrastructure providers.

I am building with Livepeer Studio at a hackathon. Is there a cost to stream?

In the hundreds of hackathon projects that were built using Livepeer Studio, none have ever exceeded the alloted free minutes provided in the Hacker plan. If this is a concern, email Livepeer Studio at or reach out on Discord.

Do I need to provide a credit card number to create an account?

A credit card is not required to create an account.

Are there usage limits for the Hacker plan?


There are monthly caps for storage (1,000 minutes), transcode (1,000 minutes), and delivery (10,000 minutes) usage; after these limits are reached in any month, you will not be able to ingest or deliver any additional video until you select a plan. Please note that transcode and delivery usage is calculated on a monthly basis, but storage carries over from month to month unless you explicitly delete stored assets (i.e., if you store 500 minutes of video in one month, you will start the next month with 500 minutes already stored).

Hacker tier users will receive email notifications at 75%, 90%, and 100% of usage.

Additionally, Hacker plans are limited to 30 concurrent viewers per stream. This is a hard cap and cannot be exceeded.

What happens if I exceed the allotted minutes for the Hacker plan?

If you exceed the allotted minutes for storage, transcode, or delivery usage on a Hacker account, your account will be disabled until you select a paid plan.

What currencies does Livepeer Studio accept?

USD is the only currency accepted right now via the Livepeer Studio dashboard. Crypto-native payments are coming soon. If you prefer to pay with cryptocurrency now, you may reach out at

How are transcoding, storage, and delivery minutes derived?

For transcode and storage, Livepeer Studio uses the duration of the source asset, and for delivery, we estimate the minutes viewed based on the average bitrate and the total amount of data used.

If you have further questions about these calculations or feel that they do not accurately reflect the characteristics of your project's usage, you may reach out at